Sunday, December 13, 2009

The S word again

Somebody said the s word. I know it. I can see it outside.
When I got up this morning, it had just started to snow again. It hasn't stopped yet. This is, of course, no major snowfall. But the sky looks like it wants to keep it up all day. Well, at least it isn't as gloomy and dreary as it has been for over a week.

We did go to a small flea market this morning, but didn't find anything I wanted to bring home with me. I didn't even see anything I wanted to inquire about!!

I am finishing up on my current Round Robin piece from Sharon and will be able to send it off to Esther this week. Hurray! I took some photos of what I have done and then loaded them onto my hard drive. Took some pictures of the snow while I was out there and then thought I would play with Photoshop Elements again. This is what happens when you play around just a little bit...

Hope you all have a wonderful cozy Sunday!


Esther said...

yepee!! soon a little treasure in ù
my mail box!!
what a gorgeaous and awsome dial watch!! your pictures are very goods!! photoshop is not so easy, well done!!

Silke Powers said...

Snow right before Christmas! How wonderful!! I think if it snowed here, it would be a miracle - and paralyze the whole town! Your photos are great - I like how you changed them... Enjoy the snow for me and stay bundled up!! Hugs, Silke

Such a Wondrous Place this Faery Space said...

Thank-you dear and you stay cozy, as well! Blessings.

creativelenna said...

it looks beautiful, Renate. I love what you do with photo shop too!

Sherry said...

To date you have had more snow than we have over here..I haven't had to use my shovel (sshhh..don't let that get out or the snow faeries will find me!) or even a broom!!! My car? No ice to chip off or snow to all makes me VERY happy!! :)

Love what you can create with photoshop -- you make it look magical!

SummersStudio said...

I do like a light dusting of snow as it brightens things up. It's interesting what you've done with photoshop, very painterly. I can see some of these printed on cloth and then embellished with needlework and of course beads.

Barry said...

The photoshop painting effect was stunning Renate.

It is raining here today and washing away all our snow!

sharon said...

You are way ahead of me Renate on the round robin...Christmas is really setting me back, not to mention the cold!
Your photos are great! Your place is soooo enchanting! Keep warm my friend!

mermaiden said...

love the view of your courtyard in the snow. it's charmed, to be sure.

Judy said...

A light snowfall is so mesmerizing and just makes the day seem so relaxing. I just LOVE your large clock, it is so awesome!!

lilylovekin said...

That clock is so cool!!!! I love what you did with the photo, I've ask for elements for Christmas this year. Would like to play more with my photographs. Stay warm my friend.

mairedodd said...

sooo serene looking! it's raining here - but we got out tree anyway... the photoshop effects are neat... there's always next week's market!

Sarah Sullivan said...

Well someone needs to come here and scream the S word already...LOL..we are impatiently waiting here!!
Is that your yard...wowowowow I looove it! I also love your photo morphing. Wonderful!!
Hugs to you, Sarah

Narrative jewelry said...

Lovely photos Renate, it seems to be a painting.

Leslie @ Bei Mondi said...

I guess a light dusting of snow is ok and it helps make the holidays seem even more special. Love the photos, Renate.

Rebecca said...

Good Morning Renate!
I am in love with your court yard and that clock is fabulous...can't have Christmas without snow at least here in the midwest! Have a wonderful day

Diane said...

BRRRR! Very nice pictures!

Stories They Tell said...

I love what you did with Photoshop! If you think that is "s", you should come to Vermont-- we've already got about 8" on the ground but no ice yet so it's perfect for x-country skiing! Enjoy the white stuff-- it's sooooo Christmas!

Unknown said...

Boy that picture of the clock turned out nice. I was looking at the original as a large pic, and like the other side with the bench a lot too. That would be fun to play around with, I think. Will your snow stay for Christmas? That would be fun. Ours just came and went. No more in the upcoming forecast. Just rain and cold.

Barbara Lewis said...

Does the "S" stand for "Shit it's snowing again!" Your photography work is so outstanding and I love the alterations you made in Photoshop. Stupendous!

Cindy said...

Renate, these pictures are really cool!!! You are the digital Queen! I love to see what you can do...thanks for sharing the latest around your world...snow!!