This is what I see outside the window just now. Well, actually, there is more snow in the air than can be seen on this photo.
And this is what I was looking at yesterday:

We have had 7 inches of snow since Wednesday night. Yesterday morning, traffic was a catastrophe. No kidding. There will be more snow during the night. Winter has not lessened its grip so far. We are still a long ways from seeing those first snow drops push their heads out of the ground.
But on a more pleasant note -

Yesterday's mail brought another Round Robin necklace to my door. This is the last stop for this necklace, before it returns home.
Esther, are you excited? I can tell you, I can hardly wait to be able to show you all these marvels I have had the honor of contributing to! Won't be too long now...

A couple of days ago, these were delivered to my doorstep.
Mary Jane and I did a trade and I requested that she make me a couple of her lovely resin paddles and these are the ones she sent me. Thank you, Mary Jane! I want to make something special with these...
And now, another photo of one of my kitties.

My little sweetheart Captain.