It is that time of year again. In Germany, the four weeks before Christmas are called Advent – the four Sundays before Christmas Eve are Advent Sundays and first one candle is lighted, on the next Sunday two and so on. You might have heard about this tradition. In Germany, this is the decorating highlight of the year and in November - before Advent begins - there are Advent “exhibitions” in shops and at florists etc., which are visited by swarms of women (sometimes with their husbands) looking for those special extras to decorate with and to get started with Christmas shopping. In the past couple of years, I have had a little shop here at the grange, where I sell home and garden decorations, gifts and such things. I have an Advent exhibition on two weekends in November. Starting next weekend, to be more specific.
So, what am I doing on the blog?
Well, I just wanted to let you know that there will be a shortage of flea market treasures here for a while. Because I am cleaning up the shop and decorating and decorating and decorating... Well, you get the idea. As you can witness below, I still have a ways to go. Nothing but chaos yet.

Wait, wait - I still want to show you the earrings I received via the Thanksgiving Treasure Earring Exchange, that was organized by dear
Leslie of Bei Mondi! Take a look at these beauties!

Sent to me from
Shelby of Sundown Bead Designs - thank you so much, Shelby, these are fabulous!
Gorgeous copper earrings with fused circles. I love how the Swarovski crystals and the olivine jasper exactly match the colours in the beautiful lampwork beads!
I apologize for the poor quality of the photos - we are having very dreary weather and I can't seem to get any good macro shots, either with or without a flash.
Anyway, I have to get back to jingle bells and Santa s.... no, no, snowflakes and pine cones and that sort of thing!