Sunday, November 1, 2009

All Hallowed - quiet Sunday

No - didn't go to the flea market today. It is a dreary grey day and I wanted to stay home...
This is a common sight in my house these days:

Casanova sleeping on the window sill.

I still have some beads to show, that I bought on Friday.

citrin nuggets and facetted labradorite

freshwater pearls

assortment of silber beads

facetted mother of pearl and more freshwater pearls


Sherry said...

I love the citrines!!! I'm not really a "yellow" person but for some reason that bead always captures my eye!!

There is something comforting and cozy about staying indoors on a dreary, grey day, isn't there?

As for Mr. Casanova...that is exactly what I would like to be doing today -- curled up just so!! Hope you are too!! ♥

Sharon said...

Yummy beads and a cute kitty snoozing on the windowsill-what a great Sunday!

Unknown said...

I kept missing your blog, Renate.So resubsribed 2 different ways this morning! That ought to get it!!

I just love going to the flea market with you. You pick up a lot of the things I would! I feel for you on the printer's case, but it looks like you have a nice large one for all your papers and goodies in your studio. Grand that your husband didn't need it! I've been on the look out here for one for years!

Say I was wondering Renate,if I could use your beautiful picture of the freshwater pearls as a texture background in some of my digital collages? I don't have anything like them to take pics of, and they are so great looking. You do take some interesting photos that's for sure!

Silke Powers said...

Oh, I just love all of those different freshwater pearls together. They always look so lustrous! We are staying home as well, today. It's good to have slow days like this... I notice that our cat tries to get on our laps much more now that it's finally getting a little cooler! Our cats sure know how to live well!! Hugs, Silke

Anonymous said...

wow, what great beads! Enjoy your lazy Sunday.

Unknown said...

Thanks Renate. And yes, of course!! I'll show you what I do with it.

Esther said...

renate!! i love all all all!!!!!

Unknown said...

My husband was describing some colors for a listing on ebay the other day and spelled gray " grey" At first he thought hmmm that does not seem right. But I told him europeans spell grey with an "e" and amercans with an "a" and both ways are correct . I am going to show him your post it will make him happy. I know silly comment ,but it is what caught my eye beyond the lovely napping Kitty when I read you post today...Hugs Julie

Unknown said...

all the beads are beautiful...looks like your stocked up for the winter

mairedodd said...

ugh... your beads are lovely! all of those shades of grey, hill tribe silver... and a very content napping cat! mine is in my lap right now... very beautiful - have fun with them!

sharon said...

I love to stay home on Sundays...I try to make it peaceful and serene. You have purchased some amazing gems here....yummmmmmm!!
I love the look of that cozy kitty!

lilylovekin said...

Pearls are my favorite. I loved seeing all the beautiful colors you have they are lovely together.

Narrative jewelry said...

Oh my Godness Renate, you bought up the bead show ! all these beads are beautiful, especially (for me), the labradorite, the citrine and the wonderful silver beads, i had an idea of making bezels with some of them ;-)

Sure you will make beauties with them. Can't wait to see that !

I think i fall in love with Mr. Casanova, love his colors, just want to put a kiss on him.



Unknown said...

Hey Renate: I posted on my blog with a digital montage using those pearls of yours as a background texture. Thanks again for letting me use it, the pearls were just what I needed, and I knew it as soon as I saw them!!

Rebecca said...

Good Morning
Love love love the beads! I don't have anything around here that I know of to buy such wonderful stones. The mop are wonderful and the citrine especially. Do you have a store near you like that?
Have a wonderful day

Cindy said...

what a sweet little kitty. :-)

Oh your beads are AMAZING! What an incredible new stash you have...I love those faceted labradorites, citrine nuggets, Hilltribe silver and those pearls...what a selection!! You are all set to create some wonderful new things!

Julie Pishny said...

Can't wait to see what magical things you create with your this lovely stash of beadery....I adore labradorites! xo Julie

Barbara Lewis said...

Wow, Renate, that's quite a haul. Can you imagine a necklace with the silver, labradorite, and some of the pearls. I've got an image dancing around in my head. Can't wait to see what you make with your lovely beads!

Carla Trujillo said...

Wow!The color of your freshwater pearls are beautiful!