I have just moved my work space into another room. Well, to be more exact, I have moved my jewellery work space into another room. First it was upstairs in the attic, which was fine during the summer. But it is way too cold to work up there in the winter!! So I took almost everything downstairs into my office, which isn't a large room to begin with, there with all my books and my art supplies and the computer and all my paperwork and whatever else ... well, you can imagine, I've been having a bit of trouble turning around, without knocking something over.
Now I have some real space (okay, this isn't a large room either) but I don't risk losing my beads between the floor boards and I can make collages in my office without all the dirt involved in jewellery making (after all, I do really try to work in metal). Anyway, that is why my work table looks all tidy, because I took the picture right after I moved my stuff. To be honest, soon it will look much more chaotic!
I love seeing people's work spaces. Your's looks a nice space to work in. I have climate issues myself. The 'studio' is a 1920's garage. Summer and winter are challenging. You'll have to show us what your space looks like after a few days work!
Your workspace looks so inviting! I love the direct overhead lighting. The pictures on the rail are so pretty and colorful. Did you do those? Thank you for posting this. It's always fun to see where someone else does their creating! I haven't had the nerve to post my AFTER (after cleaning) photos since I put the beautifully organized photos on my blog. You should see it now...
CR _ _ all over the place!
Renate: I was wondering about your blog settings. I subscribe to your blog through a reader. When your posts come up, all I see is a few sentences of your post, but no pictures. Since all that comes up is a sort version of your text, I (and lots of others) might miss a great picture that you post (like your workspace). I don't know if you want to change your settings, but if you do...I think it's under Settings: Allow Blog Feeds...Change to Full. Then we won't miss anything :-)
Renate, WOW, soooo clean!! Love the pictures above, I'm with Doreen, did you do these, just beautiful!! Still just looooove that stacked spinner necklace, was it hard to etch that copper? I'm kinda afraid to try that but i want to!!
VERY nice!!!!
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