unraveling ferns

Helleborus - I love how the flowers turn green and stay until the seeds are ripe

White violets - there are hundreds of them!

Lunaria - this was too much for my camera. Actually, the flowers are lilac coloured and the wall is a soft ochre ton; the combination of the two was more than my camera could take care of. Somehow I like this vibrant colour, wish I could find a flower that really looked like this!

Setting sun in the background, flowering pear tree in the front

Meet Casanova - a stray that stayed. He is the father of Captain, Kiki and Socks, who you will be meeting soon.
Your garden must be so pretty! I love Helleborus. We just redid our yard. I had a whole bunch of Helleborus, but lost them in the transition. (I know, they are hard to kill, but I managed.) Anyway, I must get more. They are one of my favorite plants! And...Casanova is so cute! He makes me smile :-)
Thank you for your kind words, Doreen. Actually, my garden is in dire need of some work, which is why I am only showing you close ups of parts of the garden. I am a sneaky kitty, you know!
Casanova is a very unusual cat - maybe he will get a post of his own one day.
Beautiful! I love your garden photos. I crop and edit photos from my garden and only take close ups. I believe the weeds may be the most vigorous thing growing out there right now. And we temporarily lost my daughters tiny mini Schnauser in the overgrown prarie grass this weekend. So you are definitely not alone.
you haven't shown us any photos of your garden yet! Still wistfully waiting!
Renate, ohhh so pretty! iF i get started on gardens I'll be here all day!! I am a garden freak! I have tons of flowers and I'll have to share some photos. I always wanted hellebores but I always read they are poisonous, and I have crazy dog diggers and chewers in my yard, so I'm afraid! Thanks for sharing Renate!
Renate, Beautiful photos!! No matter -- even if they are just close-ups you have beautiful flowers. I live on the windy prairie and it is so hard to grow pretty flowers. I use pots a lot and fill them full to get a lot of color. Thanks for sharing your photos.
Beautiful photos. We are just beginning to see the first signs of spring flowers here. No trilliums yet but crocus and tulips and the first buds appearing on bushes.
Casanova looks like he could write an autobiography that would shock the world, just like his namesake.
Thank you, everyone, for your encouragement and kind words!
Beatufiul photography...I ache to see my flowers in bloom, though I did notice a little cinqfoil in the back garden yesterday!! If the sun comes out later today I'll snap a photo!
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