Yes, Sunday is the day for the flea market. Today was the big antique market, where I get to see so many treasures, even if I can't take them all home with me. But if was a successful outing, just the same. I scored some very lovely bits and pieces and some gorgeous old mother of pearl buttons! And a few more filigree pieces.
My garden continues to delight me with new blooms.

An iris originally from Italy, not so spectacular in colour, but it has the divine scent of elderberry. Blooming in the background is catnip, which is being visited by dozens of butterflies.

I love this colour combination!

I'm stumped for the names of these two just now. Have to look them up again. The darker one has the most sumptuous velvety appearance...
I love your flowers! I love clematis too! I have three of them on my fence! They aren't blooming here yet, though.
You have the best luck at flea markets! I love your flowers, especially the clemitis. Never had much luck with them though. My aunt didn't either, funny thing, she threw the plant away, over a fence into a pile of dirt. The next year it was blooming like nobodys business.
I love your flea market finds. We have a flea market the first of every month that is suppose to be good. I'll try and get myself there next month.Are you going to use those finds in your jewelery?
Great finds! And your flowers are lovely!
Great flea market finds! Love the iris barbata also.
I'm drooling over your flea market finds Renate...I can only imagine the fabulous jewellery you are going to create with these pieces!!
Love that barbata (sp>!) iris...what an unusual colour combination!!
Oh by the way -- my columbine are about to open! woot woot woot!!!! :)
Oh, your fleamarket finds are wonderful! I LOVE that butterfly!! And your flowers are gorgeous. Looks like you have sunshine...we've had rain for two weeks now...:) Silke
You have found some wonderful stuff at the flea market again Renate!! Our flea markets tend to have a lot of junk and not so much treasure, but I do know a lady in a little remote place that sells a lot of beautiful wonderful things. I went there a few weeks ago, but have to hold off for a while, the old budget just doesn't permit it!! I tend to get carried away, and my willpower is poor!
Your flowers are absolutely gorgeous. In my last house, I had some irises that smelled just like grape candy!! They are not my favorite flower, but I love the scents. That Iris Barbara is stunning, as well as the deeper clematis
Keep gardening, there is a lot of inspiration there!!
Your growing season is so far advanced from our own. Still we are beginning to see life in our clematis, which grows up the side of our garden shed and makes it a thing of beauty.
Great finds and gorgeous flowers!! Hope you check me out too
Good finds, Renate! I love the flowers. Got any kitty pictures? I just discovered your other blog! I absolutely love love love the necklaces pictured in the blog header! Are you going to keep the other blog going too?
P.S. Do you live in Germany? Is German your native language? Also, I just figured out what stregata means :-)
Thank you one and all for your wild and wonderful comments!
I just found your blog... Your flowers are gorgeous!!
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