Love the inspiration of those early autumn colours just outside my studio!

interwoven Sedum and Cymbel plant

Some of my beads - trying to get my supplies organized.

beads by colour

Didn't come away from the flea market with a whole lot today.

assorted buttons

Life can be grand indeed. We only have to look and if there's no one around to rub your become creative like Captain!!
Gorgeous photos and autumn colours!
Love the buttons and copper washers...what great finds! Give 'Captain' a tummy rub for me too!
Hi Renate, Ich habe deinen Blog so vermisst!!!
Wonderful photos - I love the first hints of fall. Here, we are seeing them as well, even though it's still at least 30 degrees Celsius every day. Still, we can feel the air changing...I love fall!
Your Captain has the right idea - play and get your tummy rubbed...
Hugs, Silke
Renate: As always I love your garden, flea market, bead stash and (especially) Captain pictures. Yes, life is grand!
Renate, love your photos!! Captain is so handsome, did his paw get better? Have fun organizing, I have been working on the organizing thing but I have a ways to go.
Your photos show us how GRAND life is....and remind us to appreciate that! You have me itching to take some garden photos...I love yours...soooo pretty. Great finds at the flea! Thanks for your sweet comment today! Hugs
What a wonderful day you had today!!
I think Fall is the one season I really miss here. I loved when it would get cool enough to wear sweaters!! But even in the winter it very seldom gets cool enough to wear them. In the evenings maybe a cotton one. Ahhhhh but even Paradise isn't perfect, and life without sweaters is a small price to pay!! :)
Pattie ;)
Mazatlan Mx
thanks for these beutiful pictures Ren.i love this flower!! and i would like to be a little mouse to run in your studio and bead's boxes... héhéh .. Ho no!! captain will cach me..
Wow! You look so organized! Love the pictures of your plants ... the eggplant colors and the green of the leaves. You'd be a millionaire if you lived in the U.S. ... copper washers cost a fortune. I pay $1 a piece for ones that are 1/2 in diameter!
How lovely faded roses colors. They are really beaufiful. Hope autumn will stay with these one, don't like orange and brown too much.
Hope you find the way to organize your supplies, not so easy :) But your collection of button is attractive, and what about those copper washers ? Don't try to tidy them up Renate, put them in an envelop and send them to me, no problem, i know what to do with you little guys !!!
And, pleeeaaase, give hundred (and more) kisses to Captain, the lovely grey cat (i'm crazy about cats).
Hi Renate!
Great finds for you at the flea market. Captain is a real sweetie.
Hi, Renate. I almost missed this post and I always love your photos, especially of the garden and kitties. Autumn hydrangea are my favourite so they are a special treat for me as I am unable to grow them here. Good luck organizing. Looks like you are well on your way. Give the kitties a tummy rub for me. Hugs, LeAnn
Your flea market findings are great even though the pickings were slim!
Love the photos of all your favorite things!
Thanks for sharing!
OK I want the copper washers!!!! Lust Lust Lust!!
Life is Grand and sometimes it takes nothing more then the simple pleasure of seeing all your beautiful beads organized to make one feel so.
Love the garden pictures Renate.
It's turning fall like around here. I love huge pots of mums in every color. Captain looks pretty satisfied and a good tummy rub would make me happy too. Copper washers...I am green with envy on that find.
everything looks amazing! and i love tabbies - have 2 myself!... and what a treasure trove of copper washers - i am green right now - have fun with them...
Hello Renate
I thought I had been by to comment on your great pictures here! One of my favorites is the picture of your great button collection! And I agree with your kitty...sometimes Life can be grand! :-)
Dear post with the kitty and your findings and prep! I send you love and hope you have your wishes come true! Blessings.
Renate: Thanks so much for the information on the washers. But, I don't think these are pure copper, which is certainly fine for some applications ... like what Sharilyn was doing. I bought some from my local auto supply store, went home to enamel them, and in the flame they promptly melted into a drippy silver-colored metal. Nowhere on the container did it indicate that they were copperplated.
Anyway, in the past year copper has doubled in price, which market analysts are attributing to manufacturing in China! I bought a roll of copper about 10 years ago for $50. It weighs a ton! I think it was for metal roofing or gutters. It might be worth $500 now! This is what I've been using to make my enameled pieces.
If your washers are pure copper, you've got a pretty valuable stash there! I love seeing your flea market finds. You get the best stuff!
Please wish Captain a Happy Arrrug on behalf of International Talk Like a Pirate Day!
Or Meow, if he prefers.
Your jewelry, by the way, would enhance any pirate Treasure Chest!
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