When we got there, we entered the courtyard and the first things that caught my eye were these statues.

I love hats - not that I usually wear them. I do own some - new and antique (what did you expect?). But I just usually don't feel like I "match" my hats. But I wanted to see this show, because the combination of hats and jewellery seemed enticing. Maybe a venue that would be interesting for me?
Well, I am sorry to say that I was disappointed. Photography was not allowed inside the castle, so I can't show you any of the hats. They ranged from normal-mediocre to extreme-extravagant. But I didn't see a single hat that I loved. Not one that made me catch my breath and want it. How sad is that?
But alright, I didn't go there to buy a hat anyway. I wanted to see the jewellery, thinking a venue that boasts its extravaganz in hats would also offer some inspiration here.
No. Not at all. Boring. Not an inspiration in sight. I would say it was all aimed at very sedate older women, that want to show - well, what actually? They have reached a comfortable place in life and can afford to drape some gemstones around their neck? Of course, I don't think there is basically anything wrong with that. But that can't be all there is?
The whole show felt "bemüht" - I can't find a good translation for what this means. It seemed like the haut voilé of this little town (Neuburg is a little town, not a big city) had gathered here to see and be seen by their peers (an unusual amount of, mostly older, women were wearing hats you normally don't see on the streets, which were probably bought expressly for this occasion) and they were trying very hard to live up their respective expectations. I didn't see anyone having fun. It was not easy going. It seems, even for the visitors, it was hard work. What a waste of energy!
I am sorry if this sounds very negative. I was disappointed, yes. But I didn't come away empty handed. After all, there is something good to be found everywhere, if you keep your eyes and heart open!
I found these wonderful feathers!

Ah, you are not going to start making hats?? hhhmmmm...I wonder to myself, "and why not Renate?" ... the feathers are beautiful, you did not see any hats you liked, and therefore.... you may complete the sentence!! hee!!
You did find something good...you may have gone to see the hats and boring jewelry (though you didn't know it would be boring!), but you found the feathers and the architecture and the statues...what's with Mr. and Mrs. and having no noses?!?! A little bit of "bite your nose to spite your face!".
Yes, I'm a bit of a silly mood this early Saturday morning, but I have read "into" this post and I understand what disappointed you about the show...and I know that you have the ability to turn that around to use for yourself...a little message has been perhaps planted like a seed...
Enjoy the weekend my friend!
The feathers are beautiful, I can remember my mother wearing earrings that had small feathers, of course that was 50 years ago! Your creativeness will come up with something...I'm sure!
Sorry the hats and jewelry were a disappointment, and that the Count and Countess Palatine are both missing their nose.
Perhaps my dad was there? I remember a game he used to play with us, when I was a child, where he would pretend to steal our nose, using as proof his thumb stuck between his index and large finger.
Then again, this comment is getting a long way away from hats.
I am thrilled to see your photos of the architecture and the statues, they are awesome! Your feathers are so beautiful, can't wait to see what you use them for!
Thanks so much Renate for your sweet comment today!
Renate: Your country has such a rich and exciting history! I would be thrilled to just see the noseless count and countess...and the castle! (sigh). Sorry your hat and jewelry quest was uneventful. Those feathers are amazing though!
OH I'm so glad you took some pictures for us...you know we just don't have statues and architecture that old. What a mystery - those missing noses. A coincidence? And an interesting observation of those in attendance...everyone there to see and be seen, that's the case oftentimes. Sounds like a very "stiff" event without any livelihood. Thanks for sharing!
Well your loss of a good day was definitely our gain. Love the photos. I could walk around places like that forever, the history you see and we only get to read about is amazing. Great find on the feathers, I love that orange. Thanks for sharing your day with us Renate!
Being all about hats, I am disappointed right alongside you!
And doing lots of jewelry with feathers myself, I can picture you creating some wonderfulness. The orange fluffs are screaming for an autumnal collar. And you know what, you've done some beautiful things with birds, so there's a thread for you, too.
Oh my gosh I have that same kind of relationship with hats!! I oh soooo love them and since we have moved here I've even been known to wear a lovely wide brim straw. I'm just never completely at ease. I don't know all the nuances and etiquette to wearing a hat. Here many women still wear hats, and not just the matrons and not just as sun hats!! As for mine they are ever so chic hanging on banister posts and chairs. :)
Hmmm no noses, do you see that much with other old statues??? I do know that the noses are the first to suffer the ravages of age,wind,rain,freeze and thaws, and polution. But how funny it is the husband and wife!! :)
Oh your feathers are wonderful. What wonderful fodder for your imagination!!
Have a good weekend my Kindred Sister!!!
Pattie ;)
Mazatlan Mx.
I forget sometimes that the people whose blogs I follow are sometimes half a world away. Thanks for sharing the experience with us...it is likely that will be the closest I will ever come to seeing such sights!
I am glad that you had an open mind. You found your "something good"...love the feathers! I have been on a kick this past summer to pick up feathers. I have quite a little collection growing...I like ones that are different colors and patterns, but they all seem to be in the black and white variety from the local water fowl. Those are very special and should make their way into your creations. I just used a feather I bought at the local craft store for a necklace. Do it! I can't wait to see what you make! Enjoy the day! Erin
What wonderful old statues! At least the two were matching in their absence of noses. Too bad the show wasn't very good but your feathers are so beautiful. So vibrant!
My neighbor in Melbourne was a hat maker. There's a word for that. Milner? Anyway, she walked around in the most outrageous but very fun hats...all the time. So why not make hats?
awesome facades!!!! incredibles!!
poor nooses!!
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