I drove to the garden shop after work to get some spring flowers. Not that I was the only woman with that idea. They were buzzing around those flowers like bees around the first blooms in spring! LOL Aren't these lovely? I just love horn violets viola cornuta, they have such gorgeous colours.
And I can never resist forget-me-nots.

Ohhhh Renate, those oictures make my heart melt! Just gorgeous!!
Hurry spring...hurry!
Lovely pictures!
It's not spring yet in my part of the world and way too early for me to think about buying flowers. But I did put out some nesting materials for the birds!
Pansies are my favorite flower. Their faces are so sweet, their petals are so delicate, yet they are a hardy bunch! Thanks for sharing such gorgeous pictures today! Enjoy the day! Erin
Spring is coming for you soon!
Today my first irises bloomed :D
my yard is full of buds, and there's sweet scent in the air.
and damn if it wasn't 70 degrees F yesterday!
So very pretty thanks so much for sharing.My crocus are up but thats all.They are a sweet purple color!~~Becky
A few crocus finally bloomed today and the Eastern Bluebirds are back, so it is defintely spring!
Renate, how lovely! I always have to start out with hardy pansies! We often get frost till mid-May. Today, just a day or two after the snow melted, I found a volunteer pansy showing it's first bud! So exciting!
We made it! Spring!
Happy Planting!
So beautiful, Renate!! I'm so happy to see Spring is finally coming your way. :-) Now hopefully the warmer weather will follow.
Oye Hermanita!!!
How beautiful!! I do believe you have a huge case of Spring Fever and I don't blame you!!! I'm afraid I'd be suicidal by now with the winter you have had!! :(
Ohhhh Little Sis I have sad news. Your parcel didn't arrive in time in Texas sooooooo I don't have it yet. No worries it will be forward on to Jackie D's and she will bring it down at the end of the month :)
Pattie ;)
Mazatlan Mx.
Lovely colors Renate, happy to see them on your blog and in few days, in your garden.
Here, daffodils are open and the sun is shining. Yesterday was a beach day and my first feet bath in the sea (extremely cooooold !).
The weather here has us dreaming of flowers too.
But I suspect winter has some more tricks in store before spring comes.
Thank you for the pleasure of seeing Spring flowers this morning while I sip my coffee and browse your beautiful blog...what a great way to start the morning...what are the flowers in the last photo? A bulb of some type, but which flower? xo Julie
at leasssssssssst!! it was time no?? this winter was so so so long!!
oh, renate!!! i see spring has finally blessed you, hoooray! Thank you for your kindnesses, lenna
If spring is not willing to come to you yet I'm glad to see you are making it happen just the same. I love forget-me-nots and they grow in my yard, coming up every spring.
Our first day of Spring is COLD! But, we have had a lot of great weather this past week! Tricked us all....
Oh, how pretty!! We've got violets blooming in our yard and, of course, pansies. Our first day of spring was perfect with sun and warm temperatures. We even went for a little walk on the beach. the sand was still cold, the water even colder, but still there were kids in the water... Love, Silke
This is a happy sight as it just snowed again after temps in the gorgeous 60's yesterday! Weird weather we are having! Beautiful dear. Just beautiful, thanks. Blessings.
Hallo Renate, wunderschöne Bilder. Leider läßt sich der Frühling heute nicht sehen. Hier regnet es, grauer Himmel und kalt. Da kommt momentan kein Frühlingsgefühl auf. Dir eine gute und krative Woche. Ich bin gespannt auf deine neuen Projekte. Liebe Grüße, Inge
Liebe Renate, just wanted to wish you a beautiful start to your week. I hope that spring will be arriving in your part of the world... Love, Silke
Oh these flowers are a sight for winter weary eyes Renate!
I do hope you are well. It has been a while since we have heard from you.
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