Lela was created by Carla Trujillo of Indiandollartworks. Carla makes some very stunning art dolls and back in February, she had a giveaway to celebrate having reached 1000 hearts on her Etsy shop. 1000 hearts - isn't that awesome? I was the lucky winner and today, the mail brought Lela to me.

Thank you so much, Carla!!
Welcome Lela ! Tis doll is a really incredibly way to play with metal, like in Metropolis by Fritz Lang.
that art doll is beautiful - congratulations on winning her! am going to check the shop... and wait to see how she inspires you...
Congrats on winning a stunning art doll Renate! Hey connections...I had a great-aunt Lela!
This doll is amazing. What a wonderful thing to win. I can see all kinds of possibilities for you with this-go forth and create!
Oh, I love Lela... congratulations on winning her, she is lovely. I love her face. I will check out this website, thank you.
Hope all is well with you
Thanks for sharing your doll and a wonderful new artist Renate! I'm sure she will bring lots of inspiration, she is gorgeous!
How very cool - aren't you lucky to have her be your muse. I am off to check out Carla's work!
Lucky you...I'm going to have to check out her shop. Metal? Clever.
oh my gosh, you are a lucky girl! How cool! I will check out more of Carla's dolls...
congratulations winner. I love dolls and she would be so much fun.
Oh my gosh Hermanita,
I can't think of a better muse any artisan could be lucky enought to have!!! She is truly a beautiful soul. Hmmmmmmmm I can see where there could be a real passion headed your way!!
Pattie ;)
Mazatlan Mx.
She is just gorgeous! I love the expression on her face!! Hope you are doing well! Love, Silke
Well I guess I shouldn't have checked her sight out... I ended up getting an angel :)
so cool!! very pretty Ren!!
I am sure I will like her. I bought the Wooden Angel Knowledge. It had script on the body with wings and a face something like yours. It isn't showing anymore on her etsy site.
Thanks for sharing!
Hey I just noticed your background is the same one I put up today... I thought it went well with my header. Hope you don't mind.
Isn't it cool having a muse?
Oh she is lovely and so unique. Congrats on winning! Take Care.
Was für ein Glück - freue mich für dich, Inge
I'm off to check Carla's shop but I have to say first...this is magnificent!! Lucky you to be the winner of such a gorgeous doll!
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