Remember a couple of weeks ago, I showed you this?

Well, it all started with watching a movie. A pirate movie. It involved a locket. And it got me thinking about how I would make a locket for the that particular character. Which resulted in the wired pearls and the shell in the above picture. And which just goes to show that you can find inspiration just about anywhere.
But that was just the start of it. I wanted to use materials that are from the sea or reminiscent of the sea (aside from the copper, of course - I use that because I love it). After meeting a few challenges with the actual locket, which is a sea shell and the back is copper, I ended up with this.

I'm not sure I'm finished with the locket yet - I'm still not sure if the inside needs something more. And if so, just what does it still need? Suggestions, anyone?
This is gorgeous! You could put some words from an old book, or on the top with the watch part hint at a compass rose? I love it as is, as well. You are infinitely creative I know if you do anything it will only be better! Blessings.
This is brilliant! The pearls are such a nice contrast to the gray shell. I like the locket just the way it is.
this is beautiful - and i know it has taken you hours and hours... i love all of the details - and that is was inspired by a character you wanted to adorn... the locket is ingenious! it's almost like with all of that shimmery color from the pearls, your locket needs just a touch of it too... you think?
This is such a wonderful necklace! And so ingenious to use a shell and pearls - all from the ocean. LOVE IT!! Have a wonderful day!! No Snow! Love, Silke
Renate, it is awesome!! I wouldn't change a thing.
True pirate treasure!!! I love the inside of the locket (and how you did this). I like Marie's idea about some the inside of an oyster would have...not sure how you'd do that...but even if you add nothing more, it's simply stunning as is!! :)
I love the shell as a locket what a great idea, I like the idea of some shimmer like the inside of a pearl shell but I don't know how you would do that. It does look very nice as is-your work is so perfect.
Gorgeous Renate ! What an excellent idea to mix the pearls with ocean components.
I agree with Marie, may be some colours or words. Anyway, it will be beautiful.
Renate! I adoooore it, and would not change it! It is brilliant!
Renate, this is so gorgeous! You were truly inspired. I love it and wouldn't change a thing! Sherry
Renate, your piece is amazing!!!! I love all of the components and your wire work. What a surprise to see that the shell was a locket. I think it is perfect the way it is.
The first thing that came to my mind for the inside was the points of a compass up where the watch parts are. Or you could do something with stars as they had to sail by the stars, for navigation.
This is very piratey feeling, by the by. Those colored pearls and the copper captured the look, I think. And the dark shell. I thought of seaweed and jewels and undersea movement. And there was no "gaudiness" anywhere.
Har, matey! I'd walk the plank to wear that beauty! 'Tis a priceless treasure indeed, and one that needs not the gilding!
Wow! You are incredibly talented.
OH Hermanita,
This is truly tooo beautiful for words!!! You have pored your soul into it for all to see!! Your courage is inspirational!!
You will know if it feels finished. If you think it still needs that final bit of love I would suggest something timeless and smoothed by years of flowing water. One of your tiny beach rocks or a tiny piece of mermaid tear or an outrageously beautifully shaped pearl.
Oh but what a wonderful song of the sea you have created dearest sister!!!!
Pattie ;)
Mazatlan Mx.
what a clever and awesome idea!! inspiration is everywhere, but particulary in germany.. in your house!! congrats!
Oh How Lovely! Truly a wonderful piece.
I love pirate movies! :)
What a piece of art you have created! Not sure about adding anything else...unless you could add a pearl dangle inside =)
A stunning work of art! This has a wonderful'found' feel but is rich and contemporay as well- beautiful art!
Sehr schön und ungewöhnlich, tolles Design, weiterhin so viele krative Ideen, eine schöne Woche, Inge
Oh this is so very clever! And your colors and composition beautiful!
Hello Renate,
What a lovely treasure...certainly pirate worthy. Love the copper and the natural ocean treasures.
Thanks for stopping by, you are also a know!
I think it is perfect. :)
I don't know how I missed this post, Renate. I absolutely love this piece. You are so talented! Isn't the new Blogger in Draft thingy fun?
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