Hello friends! Today was flea market day - it wasn't raining, not freezing - so, excellent conditions to go spend a few hours sorting through the flotsam and jetsam of humankind, discovering treasures, tools, secret keepers, typically Bavarian items and other wonders in general. Please join me!

I have never been able to comprehend how someone could think this was a means of transportation...

Beautiful secret keepers - so many intriguing keys!

A wall sconce that formerly graced a church, resting on an old armchair.

Ahh, Bavaria! A typical collection of deer antlers (the deer here are smaller than in America) and a quite Bavarian gentleman.

Typical Bavarian lederhosen.

Vintage glass treasures from the Czech Republic and Germany.

There is something so fascinating about old tools.

Oops, that's me, lost in thought about the printmaker's cabinet we didn't buy... no room in the house... darn!
But I did bring home some small treasures:

A simple little cutlery box, with some old lace (is this what you call tatting? I have no idea what that is), some brass trim, a brass cat stamping, some old watch cases, some old printing supplies...

More watches and more trim; not sure this is brass.

A peculiar little metal tray filled with little keys and "stuff".
A very delightful day at the flea market. Hope you saw something you liked! Have a lovely Sunday! Maybe I'll see you at the
BOC Open Studio tour later!
Oh, Renate, you are making me homesick for a real German flea market! I loved seeing all the goodies from antlers to Lederhosen. What fun! And your treasures are great indeed... Hugs, Silke
P.S. You look gorgeous - love your hair!!
Looks like great fun Renate. I don't think your lace is tatting; tatting is more knots and not weaving. Maybe someone will know the name for your lace.
Love your pictures and the on with the lederhosen, makes me think of my 2 years in Switzerland, oh so long ago.
Oh Renate, how lovely treasures you found.
Love the keys, the vintage glass (OMG), i hope you took all of them ;-) the old lace you call "tatting", i don't know that word, and don't find it in my dictionnary. For me, it looks like old curtains, we have some here in Brittany, they are handmade with cotton and just beautiful.
What a real delightful day in fact, happy for you.
Amazing what you can find among the flotsam and jetsam of humankind!
And that flea market looks like it has just tons of interesting flotsam and jetsam!
The best thing hands down about this Sunday's flea market is seeing YOU there, in this photo!! :) Gorgeous hair!!!!
I love the lederhosen and the Bavarian gentleman you snapped...
The secret keepers (a beautiful term for keys!) and that bicycle!!!! It may not be functional (I suppose it was but how uncomfortable!) but it is certainly beautiful!
One of the things I most look forward to are the flea market tours you so generously give us. Oh, how I would love to be there. Better, for my pocket book to be here though!
Egads! Those KEYS....are divine! I love them! And that vintage glass...I would want to dive right in. Thanks for sharing your inspiration! Enjoy the day! Erin
Your treasures are wonderful Renate, and the tour is divine! One day a dream of mine would be to go flea marketing with you, looks sooo good!!
Lovely items you found and took home with you. I think I would have had to have the printers cabinet regardless of room. Looks like the weather was nice but cool.
lot of tresures renate!! i love all of course but the little keys and broken glasses .. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! so cutes!!
things i covet:
the glass
the keys
the HAIR
Oh, those keys! How wonderful! And all that vintage glass with colors of the rainbow.
Wow, that is some flea market. I believe I could spend days there.
Looks like an all around good day to me! Love the antlers and lederhosen!
Renate, I feel almost as if I were there with you (and sure wish I was!). I especially loved the ring of old keys...I would have grabbed those!!, the wall sconce, and the Czech glass. Your little try of goodies was a great find too!!
P.S. Your round robin pieces made it to me today!!! I'll have to comment separately because I am soooo blown away by your talent!!
Renate, oh that glass! The little keys... And I love the pic of you. Great to see what you look like! Gorgeous red hair. Thanks for sharing...
I love flea markets :) You can find there so many exclusive things :)
wow, so many wonderful treasures! I love old tools and sparkly vintage glass! wonderful shots!
Oh, my goodness! What fun! I would go crazy trying to decide which to take home...
Such great finds, thank you for taking me with you to the flea market! i love the keys especialy. will you add them to a necklace??? : ) lenna
Yes, I would love to go to the flea market with you...no doubt I could find LOTS of stuff to bring home. Looks like you did very well!
You find the best stuff! I love the vintage glass. Nothing has quite the resonnance here in the U.S.
Just came across your blog via Bei Mondi's Blog- http://beimondi-leslie.blogspot.com/ How lucky you are to have such a wealth of tat on your doorstep. I would be pennyless if I lived cose to that fleamarket.
Anyway you make such beautiful things I'm off to check out more of your blog.
OMG!!! So many treasures...I especially love the bunch of little keys and the box of vintage jewels!
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