It was cold last night. Real cold. When I left the house this morning, it was 1°C. My car were all covered in frost. Not that easy to stratch away kind, no, the kind that really takes some muscle to remove. The car looked like it was covered with great big frosty fronds of farn. During the day we had several snow flurries. Nothing serious, it won't stay on the ground yet. But it is early this year. I'm not ready for winter yet.
My cats are spending alot of time in the house lately. They are restless, but they don't stay outside for long. Apparently, they are not ready for the cold yet either.
I know some of you are glad the weather is finally getting a bit cooler. All a matter of latitude, I guess.
i got the shivers reading this! we don't get snow where i live, we get Rain. snow is much prettier. and it doesn't make your house leak *everywhere*.
Snow sucks if you ask me! Yes, I'm pretty grouchy when it comes to snow, I've seen enough of it, and the older I get, the worse the body feels in the cold. It is getting pretty cold here too......don't like it!!
Thank you sweet Renate for all your lovely comments all of the time, I really appreciate that!
you are so right Renate!! even in provence.. very cold weather.. today we had to "turn the furnace"!! children wear "stalagtites" on their nooses!! lol
I just discovered your blog today - today's picture and your background are beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
I feel for you!!! There is only one thing I miss from the frigid Northland. I love to wear sweaters and it's too warm here most of the year to wear even light cotton ones. Oh and I agree with Sharon there is nothing I like about the cold any more!!!
Pattie ;)
Mazatlan Mx.
Oh, poor Renate, you made me cool too reading your post and looking at this beautiful picture. I don't like cold time, winter, snow and all what goes with this period.
If the kitties are too cold, send them to me, here we have lots of sun ;-)
Oh my yes, it is TOO SOON!!!! It was 0 f here this morning and I had to scrape ice off my windshield...but not as thick as you had...it was light. Couldn't find my little tool for that so I had to use a credit card!!! Mother of invention!! :)
I love this photograph -- but I'm sorry your plant was attacked by frost!! :(
early for sure... you take such beautiful photos... stay warm!
Oh, how beautiful! I guess for you it's too early. Well, yes, mid October is a little soon! We finally had a day of rain today. It was gray and rained all day and I loved it! I think this weekend, we'll have real fall temperatures with sunshine!! A hug to keep you warm! Silke
What a beautiful photo, but the thought of what goes with it gives me the shivers. I feel for you with your winter starting so soon. Stay close to your fire and hug your cats often.
Look at your coleus. Frozen in this magik moment, so beautiful. But yes, I agree it is far too early to let go of summer. Thinking warm thoughts and sending them your way.
Oh summer, please come back. So sorry for the chill, Renate. I am sending you an imaginary cup of hot chocolate to warm your soul.
Renate, I feel for you...already frost covering the car in the morning?? That takes so much extra time to remove when you're trying to get to work! I'm still cold thinking of your house and all of that wood you stacked the other day. I'm missing the warmth of summer already too. :-(
Renate, So early for such cold weather!! But what gorgeous things the cold does to the folliage there. Oh, I miss autumn, er...winter. Hugs!
Oh!I love the cold winter months and look forward to some snow!! By the looks of the weather outside, it shouldn't be too long before that starts snowing.
Love the beautiful photo!
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